Special Guardians of Hartlepool

Who are we?

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Well a Special Guardianship is a formal court order which places a child or young person with someone permanently and gives this person parental responsibility for the child. This could be a grandparent, close relative or a family friend. Special Guardianship means that the child lives with carers who have parental responsibility for them until they are grown up. If the child was looked after before the Special Guardianship Order was granted, they will no longer be the responsibility of the local authority. Although we don’t get the same level of support as foster carers, we are still able to seek advice and guidance from the local authority on a needs lead basis.

However, if you feel like you could benefit from ongoing peer support from people who have lived your experience, we have set up this important support network for Special Guardians in the area and are hoping to reach as many as possible to show them that support is here!

We are also looking into fun days and events to raise funds for the kids in our care to do group activities and bring the families together to form friendships and bonds. 

Want to know more….. Please get in touch. 

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